Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Word of the day: COMMIT

Proverbs 16:3 “Commit to the LORD whatever you do and your plans will succeed.” In order to fulfill your destiny, you have to make a plan according to GOD’S purpose and stay focused to fulfill that plan. Wake up each day knowing where you're headed, which direction you're taking and what you are going to accomplish and then stick with it! Don't allow the distractions and busyness of life get you off course. Ask yourself, "Is what I'm doing moving me towards my GOD given destiny? IS this my purpose in life or am I just wasting time being busy and not really making any progress? Proverbs 4:25 says, “Keep your eyes fixed straight ahead. Don't look to the left and don't look to the right.” Don't be distracted and spend your time and energy on things that are not helping you fulfill your purpose. Remember, GOD’S plans are blessed and when you walk in his plan for your life you will experience his abundance in everything you set and put your hands to! Ask GOD to help you get busy doing his will, not yours. Ask GOD to help you set your schedule to accomplish his purpose for your life. Thank GOD for the HOLY SPIRIT who is our comforter and who leads and guides us into all truth. Help us GOD honor you in all we do today and everyday. Focus on GOD more than yourself.  It’s not about you anyway.

Luv u all! Have a blessed day in the LORD!

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