Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Word of the day: FORGET THE PAST

Isaiah 43:18 "Remember not the former things, neither consider the things of old." We all go into relationships of all types personal, bussiness, or just in life we carry around years and years of baggage; a good part of it is dirty laundry. We have a past, and not all of it was pretty. Most of your baggage will start to unpack it self. Things will start to fall out or come out . Some of it is old and of the past, out dated needs to be packed away or you need to let it go get rit of it. Don't allow ur past to keep showing up in ur present. Yesterday is gone. Never to return, so what will you do with today. Forget the past. Don't make someone in your future buy a bill that someone from the past left you with. Move on! You will never see what's in front of you if you keep looking back at what's behind you. Get over past. You should not let the burdens of the past hang over the present.Confess what you can, throw away what you need to and forget the rest. GOD is able to help you walk in new ways in life to enjoy your today.
GOD, help us to confess our sins and receive your forgiveness. Don't let our past ruin our present. Help us accept your forgiveness and will for our lives so we will be at peace with our past.
Love you all!
Have a blessed day in JESUS. He is the Truth and my best friend.

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