Friday, March 25, 2011

Word of the day: DISCIPLINE

Develop a life of Discipline. (Men do not decide their future, they decide their habits and their habits decide their future.) Habits are a gift from GOD. It simply means any thing u do twice becomes easier each time. JESUS had a discipline life or habit. Even though he was busy praying, healing and speaking to large crowds, He still went every sabbath day into the synagogue and stood up for the reading of Luke 4:16. JESUS knew that the purpose of discipline is to birth a habit.  It takes only 30 days to birth a habit. Anything you do 30 consecutive days at the same time becomes a habit you do with no problem. Anything you do over and over becomes a habit, whether good or bad. What we do today can become a habit tomorrow. So let's discipline our lives with good, positive and wise habits.Uncommon people do daily what common people only do occasionally. In the bible,  "Daniel prayed three times a day"  (Daniel 6:10) Look how GOD moved for him! It's what u do and how you do it.  Not giving up when you can't see your way out or making it. We can do all things in CHRIST JESUS, Who gives us HIS Strength. For people that have an addiction to drugs, alcohol, sex, money, food, ect. the habit has taken over and become bigger than the desire to stop. Your habits are creating your future problems or pleasures. You break bad habits with focus. Great ACHIEVERS have success routines they follow diligently. But they first Discipline themselves for a period of time until a habit is born. Let's DEVELOP HABITS that will make us better. WE can do anything we put in GOD hands then put our minds to it. Think on this every day in every way: I'm getting better, stronger and wiser. In JESUS we win!


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