Friday, February 25, 2011

The Word of the Day: HELP

Psalm 28:7 “The LORD is my strength and my impenetrable shield; my heart trust in, relies on and confidently leans on him and I am helped. Therefore my heart greatly rejoices, and with my mouth I will praise him.”  Psalm 34:15 “The eyes of the Lord are toward the uncompromisingly righteous and his ears are open to my cry, when I cry for help the Lord hears and delivers me out of all my distress and troubles. (Psalm55:22) “I leave my troubles with the LORD, and he will defend me; He never let's honest people be defeated.” GOD will hold your hand. He is the LORD that is always there. He will never leave us. We leave him but he is always there to take us back in with open arms. He will always help us. He is our help in the very time of trouble. Nahum1:7 “THE LORD is good; a strength and stronghold in my day of trouble. He knows and recognizes, has knowledge of and understands those who take refuge and trust in him.” We should take comfort in and be encouraged and fully confident in the LORD being our HELPER. So we should boldly say, if GOD be for me its more than the whole world against me. So be not alarm. Do not fear or dread or be terrified. GOD is our HELP in any time of trouble, believe that. Trust GOD for everything! He is the truth the real deal. My number #1. I love u all. Be blessed in Jesus today! Walk in love and in all your getting get understanding.

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