Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What are you expecting?

(Isaiah40:31) "Those who wait for the Lord, who expect, look for and hope in him, shall renew their strength." What are you expecting in life?Good things?  Bad things? Big things? Little things? Anything at all? God wants you to get your hopes up! The bible says,"Faith is the substance of things hoped for." One definition of hope is confident expectancy. Did you know you can't even have faith if you don't first have hope? Your expectations set the limits for life. If you never expect anything good, you're never going to receive anything good. If you don't expect things to get better, then nothing will get better. GOD promises to meet you at your level of expectancy.  That's why Jesus said in Matthew 9:29 "According to your faith be it done unto you". One translation simply says "have what your faith expects." Start expecting to overcome every challenge you face and for GOD to meet all your needs! Live every day of your life filled with anticipation that God is going to bless you abundantly above and beyond your wildest dreams!
Today's prayer: Dear Father, thank you for your hand of blessing on my life. Today, I purpose in my heart to raise my level of expectancy and hope in you. Thank you for putting your desires in my heart and bringing them to pass in my life. Trust GOD! Believe GOD for everything! He is the only way, trust me. Let's expect the impossible.   JESUS is my best friend. I love u LORD more than anything! U are my everything!
Love u all in Jesus!-
Moni  ~aka~ Zion (Unmoveable)

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