Monday, December 20, 2010

The Harsh Tongue

Day 12 of taming the tongue
The Harsh Tongue
"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." (Proverbs15:1) In my impatienceand frustration with incomepetence or low productivity in others, I have some times made what others felt were harsh remarks. I felt that to tell the harsh truth was my only rescourse. This imprudement use of my tongue has never yielded positive results. Soloman says of the wise women in the bible, in the book of Proverbs, She opens her mouth with wisdom and her tongue is the law of kindness for there is never a reason nor justification for being harsh or unkind in our communication. If we claim that GOD is our father, we won't practice such behavior. We will deliberately choose words that art warmhearted, understanding and kind. When u begin to seek GOD for deliverance you can begin to take control over the destructive behavior by power of the holy spirit. Make a decision that kindness will be one of the principles of ur life.
(Today's Affirmation)
I open my mouth with wisdom. The law of kindmess is on my tongue.
Be blessed and help each other. Watch what u say to people, be slow to speak but quick to listen.

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