Day 12 of Taming the Tongue
(James 3:10)"Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so." If u are Christian, faithfully attend prayer services, visit shut-ins, fast for extended periods, and go through all of the motions of being a christrian but u use curse in your communication, it's because u have not allowed the Holy Spirit to tame ur tongue. James, the brother of Jesus, explained it this way: (James: 8-9)
"No man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our GOD and father and with it we curse men who have been made in the similitude of GOD". Using profane, obscene, or vulgar language is unbecoming to a child of GOD. I believe people use profanity for various reasons. First, they often lack an adequate vocabulary with which to express themselves and therefore feel they must curse for their words to have impact. Those who are challenged in this area must start to develop a communication style that is direct, clear and without hostility. They may find that expletives are unnecessary. Secondly, some people resort to profanity to release their extreme frustration with a situation. They have developed an UNGODLY pattern of expresing their displeasure and need to retrain their reponses. They would do well to decide in advance some alternate words to use when they find themselves reaching the peak of frustration. I wholeheartedly believe that profane words should not come out my mouth, but I had to stop myself or reframe from not saying them on many occasions. When I cut my toe or cut my finger, break something of value, spill a drink, have an encounter with an extremely difficult person, when my husband push every buttom, my god kids get on my last holy ghost patience, I would think one or silently use profanity. Even to think it is a little troubling to me cause as a man think so is he so I know that what goes in will so come out. That's why we must guard ourselves. (Luke 6:45)says "A good person produces good deeds from a good heart and an evil person produces evil deeds from an evil heart". Whatever is in your heart determines what you say, we all need to ask GOD to purge us of profanity and allow our hearts and minds to be renewed and fill with words of good not evil and allow the words of our mouth and the meditation of our heart to be acceptable in His sight. Understand that profanity resides in the heart. GOD, help us reject the idea that a curse word "slipped" out of our mouth. The reality is that it slipped out of the heart . Only GOD can cleanse a person's heart. We must practice the discipline of casting down profane thoughts and using words that bring life to our innermost being and to others. Guard ur heart and ur mind cause it will affect everything u do and out of the heart the mouth speaks.
(Today's Affirmation)
Cursing does not proceed out of my mouth. Today I give GOD full charge of my tongue. By his grace I will only speak words that will bring honor to his name. Repect GOD that much and the GOD in me, in u and everyone we come in contact with. When are we going start to luv GOD in deeds and not just talk? Action speaks louder than words so act like we luv him! We owe him that. He did get beat half to death, spit on, nailed to the cross and went to hell to get the keys to life. All that for us and we can't do simple things like this?
Wow! (This is a wake up call who will answer)
Be blessed today!!
luv everyone of u in Jesus!
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