Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day 15 of Taming the Tongue and Renewing ur Mind

Day 15 of Taming the Tongue and Renewing ur Mind
We will know peace when:
We understand divine profits and losses. (Isaiah26:3)"You will guard me and keep me in perfect and contant peace as my mind, both its inclination and its character, is stayed on you because I commit myself to you, lean on you and hope confidently in you."(Few of us understand why we are here.We have some vague ideas but are not really sure why we are on the plantet at this time.We know that something is going on but we may not. To be sure exactly what it is for those who are seeking enlightenment about the plan and their purpose in the plan, here are a few tips. You are here: To gain character as you loose ego, to gain integrity as you loose dishonesty, to gain strength as you loose fear, to gain compassion as you loose disappointment, to gain discipline as you lose willfulness, to gain equality as you loose separation, to gain appreciation as you lose resentment, to gain enthusiasm as you loose hostility, to gain tenderness as you loose rigidity, to gain boldness as you lose bitterness, to gain generosity as you loose selfishness, to gain optimism as you lose inadequacy, to gain excitement as you loose embarrassment, to gain gratitude as you lose greed and to gain love as you loose ignorance. Until today, you may not have been aware that as you surrender one thing, you gain something to replace it. Live life like it is a spiritual stock market. Cut your losses and celebrate your gain. Today, devote to investing in the development of ur spiritual nature. (Let go and let GOD)Gain control over ur mind and ur mouth.
Be blessed today!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 12 of Taming the Tongue

Day 12 of Taming the Tongue
(James 3:10)"Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing.  My brethren, these things ought not to be so." If u are Christian, faithfully attend prayer services, visit shut-ins, fast for extended periods, and go through all of the motions of being a christrian but u use curse in your communication, it's because u have not allowed the Holy Spirit to tame ur tongue. James, the brother of Jesus, explained it this way: (James: 8-9)
"No man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our GOD and father and with it we curse men who have been made in the similitude of GOD". Using profane, obscene, or vulgar language is unbecoming to a child of GOD. I believe people use profanity for various reasons. First, they often lack an adequate vocabulary with which to express themselves and therefore feel they must curse for their words to have impact. Those who are challenged in this area must start to develop a communication style that is direct, clear and without hostility. They may find that expletives are unnecessary. Secondly, some people resort to profanity to release their extreme frustration with a situation. They have developed an UNGODLY pattern of expresing their displeasure and need to retrain their reponses. They would do well to decide in advance some alternate words to use when they find themselves reaching the peak of frustration. I wholeheartedly believe that profane words should not come out my mouth, but I had to stop myself or reframe from not saying them on many occasions. When I cut my toe or cut my finger, break something of value, spill a drink, have an encounter with an extremely difficult person, when my husband push every buttom, my god kids get on my last holy ghost patience, I would think one or silently use profanity. Even to think it is a little troubling to me cause as a man think so is he so I know that what goes in will so come out. That's why we must guard ourselves.  (Luke 6:45)says "A good person produces good deeds from a good heart and an evil person produces evil deeds from an evil heart".  Whatever is in your heart determines what you say, we all need to ask GOD to purge us of profanity and allow our hearts and minds to be renewed and fill with words of good not evil and allow the words of our mouth and the meditation of our heart to be acceptable in His sight.  Understand that profanity resides in the heart. GOD, help us reject the idea that a curse word "slipped" out of our mouth. The reality is that it slipped out of the heart . Only GOD can cleanse a person's heart. We must practice the discipline of casting down profane thoughts and using words that bring life to our innermost being and to others. Guard ur heart and ur mind cause it will affect everything u do and out of the heart the mouth speaks.
(Today's Affirmation)
Cursing does not proceed out of my mouth. Today I give GOD full charge of my tongue. By his grace I will only speak words that will bring honor to his name.  Repect GOD that much and the GOD in me, in u and everyone we come in contact with. When are we going start to luv GOD in deeds and not just talk? Action speaks louder than words so act like we luv him! We owe him that. He did get beat half to death, spit on, nailed to the cross and went to hell to get the keys to life. All that for us and we can't do simple things like this?
Wow! (This is a wake up call who will answer)
Be blessed today!!
luv everyone of u in Jesus!

Monday, December 20, 2010

The Harsh Tongue

Day 12 of taming the tongue
The Harsh Tongue
"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." (Proverbs15:1) In my impatienceand frustration with incomepetence or low productivity in others, I have some times made what others felt were harsh remarks. I felt that to tell the harsh truth was my only rescourse. This imprudement use of my tongue has never yielded positive results. Soloman says of the wise women in the bible, in the book of Proverbs, She opens her mouth with wisdom and her tongue is the law of kindness for there is never a reason nor justification for being harsh or unkind in our communication. If we claim that GOD is our father, we won't practice such behavior. We will deliberately choose words that art warmhearted, understanding and kind. When u begin to seek GOD for deliverance you can begin to take control over the destructive behavior by power of the holy spirit. Make a decision that kindness will be one of the principles of ur life.
(Today's Affirmation)
I open my mouth with wisdom. The law of kindmess is on my tongue.
Be blessed and help each other. Watch what u say to people, be slow to speak but quick to listen.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Gossiping Tongue

Day 10 of Taming of the Tongue
The Gossiping Tongue-(Proverbs18:8)
The words of a gossiper are like choice morsels; they go down to a man's inmost parts. Do you sometime engage in idle and often malicious talk about the personal affairs of another? Gossip can be such a delectable "choice morsel" that many find it impossible to resist. Now, I'm certain everyone has been guilty of partaking of this popular pastime either as a bearer or a hearer at one time or another. Oh, the downside of such behavior! Did u know that gossiping can lower your sense of self-worth? How? When you gossip, you tend to realize you are not walking in integrity. What's the solutuion? How do you stop gossiping? Catch yourself before you indulge! Ask your self why are u being a bearer of such news. Is this the only way you know how to be the center of attention? Or to establish camaraderie with others? Does it make u feel superior to know something negative about somebody that the hearer doesn't know? Are u envious of others accomplishments? Why are you willing to use the temple of GOD as a trash receptacle by being a receiver of gossip? What do u plan to do with the information a gossiper shares with u? Are u bored with ur life and need more meaningful activites? It has been my observation that those who are ardently pursuing their own goals and aspirations are less likely to waste time discussing the affairs of another. Why do we want to know other people business and what's going on in their lives? Like tv stars, singers and people u don't even know? We spend hours reading and watching tv about gossip. The latest news -What is it to you? Why do u care? If u are serious about eliminating gossip from your life, you must start an all out campaign against it. Let everyone know you will not be a bearer or a hearer of gossip anymore. Declare your environment,  whether at work, at home or at play, to be a "gossip-free zone". Make every effort to avoid gossipmongers. (Proverbs20:19) warns, a gossip tells secrets, so don't hang around with someone who talks too much.When people start to engage in any other UNGODLY talk, point to your mouth and exclaim "tongue fast".  Refusing to engage in gossip may result in fewer vistors and phone calls but, so what! Let ur mouth speak life not death. (Proverbs 18:21) "Death and life are in the power of the tongue ". "Let the words of my mouth the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD my strength, and my redeemer" (Psalm 19:14)
I am not a busybody in other people's matters. Therefore, I do not yield my tongue as an instrument of gossip.
Have a blessed day and speak life! Build up, not pull down!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Self Deprecating Tongue

Day 9 of Taming the Tongue
The Self Deprecating Tongue  (Exodus 4:10)
Moses said to the Lord, "O Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue". You engage in self deprecating when you think or speak of youself as being of little or no worth and thereby minimizing the value of what you "bring to the table" or have to offer. Notice how satan seeks to take from us. One extreme to the other he tries to make us either boastful or bashful.  He tries to make us think that we are "da bomb"(slang for really hot stuff),or done bombed (totally blew it!) Don't be ignorant of his trick. Self deprecation is often disguised as humility but in reality it is a rejection of the word. GOD assures us we can do all things through Christ which stregthens us.  Those negative lables you put on yourtself and  what others call u is not imporant. Have u ever defined yourself or perhaps you labeled yourself "fatso" because u have battled your weight for a long time with no apparent victory in sight or maybe you labeled yourself a victim because you have been victimized.  Well its time to abandon the negative labels and redefine yourself.  GOD promises that we can do all things with Him but we can't do anything without him. The reality of the word,  We can walk in confidence, not in ourseleves, but in the grace of GOD that empower us.
(Todays Affirmation):
GOD is able to make all grace abound toward me so that I always have all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work. Be blessed today . 

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Slandering Tongue

Day 8 of taming the tongue
The Slandering Tongue
"To hide hatred is to be a liar; to slander is to be a fool." (Proverbs10:18)  Slanderers make malicious, false or even true statements about others with the intent of damaging their reputation, charcter or good name. Political campaigners are notorious for releasing slanderous statements to the media with the hope of disadvantaging their opponents. Given certain circumstances anyone can be tempted to denigrate another. One thing we can be assured of is that there won't be any slanderers in heaven. Can u recall a time in which u made detracting remarks about someone? What was your motive in doing so? Why did u feel the need to diminsh that persons charter, were u speaking out of pain of being hurt by them or do u envy their accomlishments?  If so, u need to learn how to let your envy motivate you to achieve your own goals rather cause u to defame another. Its likely u grudgingly admire and desire something that the other person possesses.  Some people are so insecure and easily threatened that they feel they must cast aspersion on the character of others whom they perceive as competition in order to maintain their position. Restorting to slander is clear evidences that u have not embraces GODS promises.  Psalm 75:6-7, "for certain that promotions and exaltation come from GOD rather than man." This should make us team players. There is no reason to try to snuff out anybody's light so that yours will shine. GOD has declared that no man can stop his purpose or plans for our lives and he promises that he will avenge all wrongs perpetrated against us. Why backbite and hate? I find it interesting that the greek word for "slander" is derived from diabolos, which means the "devil" (Psalms15:1-3)  "Who speak the truth from his heart and has no slander on his tongue, who does his neighbor no wrong and cast no evil on his fellowman."  That's what the bible says. (Isaiah14:27) "The Lord Almighty has spoken.  Who can change his plans? When his hand moves who can stop GOD?
(Today's Affirmation):
I refuse to be a slanderer. I will use Philippians 4:8 as my conversation sifter. "For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your minds on them]." I comment only on these things. Let's get better! U all stop it! Lift each other up, not drag them down in the dirt! It don't make sense.
Be blessed!  Luv u all in Jesus!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Taming Your Tongue (Day 7)

The Boasting Tongue (Proverbs 27:2)

"Let another praise you and not your own mouth; someone else and not your own lips."  Are you so proud of ur accomplishments or your possessions that you cannot help but boast about them? Boasting implies that your good fortune is a result of your efforts. Have you forgotten that everything you have came from GOD? King Nebuchadnezzar did one day, as he was strolling on the roof of his palace, he had a conversation with himself that changed the rest of his life.  As he looked out across the city, he said, "Just look at this great city of Babylon! I, by my own mighty power, have build this beautiful city as my royal residence and as an expression of my royal splendor." Scripture tells that God interrupted Nebuchadnezzar's proud moment and declared to him that he would lose his kindom immediately! He was driven from the palace and forced to live as a common derelict. His hair grew like the feathers of an eagle and his nails like claws of a bird. He even became mentally ill. It was not until he acknowledged GOD as the ruler over everything that GOD gave him back his sanity and restored his kingdom. We must learn to consciously take the backseat when pride screams from the front row. Study the fate of proud men in the bible that deal with humility and pride. Whatever skill or talents GOD has given to you they are for His glory. Learn to take praise in stride if your popularity increases. Don't be intoxicated by the accolades. Remember that praise is like perfume, if you consume it, it will kill you!

(Todays Affirmation)
By the grace of GOD, I am what I am! 1Corinthians 15 :10~ Know that every good and perfect gift comes from above, from GOD, so thank GOD for everything because He doesn't have to give us anything!

(Its not about u or us its about JESUS)

Be blessed today!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Taming the Tongue ~ Day 6

Day 6 of taming ur tongue -
The Argumentative Tongue
"Avoiding a fight is a mark of honor; Only fools insist on quarreling" Proverbs 20:3.  Argumentative people enjoy  directly resisting anyone whose viewpoint is different from theirs. In fact, they will get someone else on the defensive never without fodder for a verbal fight. They can always depend upon anyone. Discussion of religion or politics to produce unending quarrels, being argumentative is a futile use of the tongue and centainly not the way to win friends or influence people. It was legendary American -Cowboy -turned-entertainer Will Rogers who cautioned, "people's minds are changed through observation and not through argument." In other words, contentiousness negates ones ability to bring about change. See, argumentative people will try to draw people into discussion that often result in an argument when they run out of points to put forth or have no logical response to their opponents rebuttals. They resort to personal attacks on their character and name calling. They bolster in their own self worth. They can only feel good about themselves by attacking the validity of other people's opinions, philosophies or beliefs and then maneuvering them into defending their position. The quarrelers goal is not to add value to someone's life by showing him the error of his way, in fact, Mrs. Quarreler would be greatly disappointed if her target reponded, "Oh thank you for shedding light on this matter. I will change my thinking immediately". Why, such a concession would end the argument. (Matthew 5:25) It takes two to tangle.  JESUS cautioned us to agree with your adversary quickly. We should remain loving even when we disagree with the views and values of others without being mean spirited (Proverb17:14). Begining a quarrel is like opening a floodgate, so drop the matter before a dispute breaks out! When an argument starts, we should respond quickly and just say, "that's your opinion", and if u do have a tendency to be contentious or argumentative, remember that it costs u absolutely nothing to repect someone's opinion, especially on matters that have no eternal consequence.
(Today's Affirmation):
I will resist becoming contentious by respecting everyone's right to have his own values and views.
Be blessed and walk in truth and love!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


(Matthew 5:9) "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of GOD".  Divide and conquer is one of satans most effective strategies for hindering the effectiveness of any effort undertaken by two or more people. He knows the power, synergy and blessings that result when we work in harmony; therefore he makes every effort to bring division. Sometimes it is hard to believe there are people who deliberately engage in bringing dissension. I had a cousin who had experienced much domestic turmoil durning her childhood years. Later at our family gatherings, she was not satisfied until she had pick a fight or maneuvered somebody into an argument with another person. Being a peace-breaker seemed to make her happier than enjoying family.  Dissension and division were so ingrained in her that she embraced them as normal.  She professed a relationship with GOD but her behavior overshadowed her claim. (Proverbs 6:19)  "Seven things that the LORD detests; among them is a man who stir up dissension among brothers". We cannot afford to be IGNORANT of satan's tactics to keep us at odds with each other. He set traps all the time cause he know that conflict, unforgiveness and discord is a blessing blocker. Have u used ur tongue to sow discord? Know that anytime u tell another person something negative that someone else has said about him, ur action will probably causes division. This is not to say that u should avoid warning a person about another who is not acting in his best interests. But do it in truth and with the right motives, if u have been using ur tongue a a tool of divisiveness, are u ready to repent for this sin?

(Today's Affirmation): I will make every effort to speak words that engender peace and to refrain from any communication that creates disunity.

Be blessed today! Try to walk in peace and give no place to the devil. Blessed are the peacemakers for they are the people of GOD!


Moni  ~aka~ Zion (Unmoveable)